Do YOU need help to get the INFORMATION YOU NEED - from new research to analysis of data you already have? Do you need to communicate information?
Spot-on Data can help you find and make sense of information and can get your data to tell you its story. See our services. We offer a confidential service and work with many kinds of data, from scientific, biological and medical data to financial or market research. We can work at your site or you can send data to us.
Through Aeona we offer facilitation and coaching services, including business development coaching with CONE teams, as well as training workshops on communication and presentation skills, and understanding data.
Services include:
- Desk Research
- Surveys and fieldwork
- Experimental design
- Data collection
- Spreadsheets, Tables and graphs
- Data management and interpretation
- Statistical analysis
- Presentation – reports & PowerPoint
- Review of reports, publications or planned projects
- Training - presentation and communication skills
- Facilitation
- Coaching
- Event organisation and management
- Specialist services include undertaking marine/ecological surveys and fieldwork, and expert advice on Daphnia.
With a strong background in science and ecology, Spot-on Data Solutions provides an excellent service to industry and the private or public sector in fields such as life sciences, biotechnology, health or environment and ecology. We also undertake non-scientific projects from any field, such as analysis of quantitative market research surveys.
Contact us to discuss what we can do for you.
“spot-on” – absolutely correct, very accurate, mathematically or statistically exact.